Hi there Imme,

I'm sorry you're continuing to have issues with these folks!

One of the tactics we suggest in these circumstances is, for lack of a better term, is to be a "squeaky wheel". When you get your ISP on the phone, feel free to give a short explanation of the issue, but calmly and persistently request to speak to a supervisor.

Once a superior is on the line, calmly and methodically describe the issue and finish with saying to them "I'm paying for this service - please take a look at the data I've collected".

If that STILL doesn't work, you'll need to escalate to management. The best thing to do though, is to keep calm and STAY PERSISTENT. They'll eventually get the message that if they at least look into the issue, they'll fix the "squeaky wheel".

I firmly believe that as long as they're investigating the data that correlates to the problem you're experiencing, they should be inclined to fix it smile

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you'd like to share an update with us.

All the best,
