Hey Jim,

Pesky, intermittent, and erratic connectivity problems such as this can be especially frustrating.

Is the device that you're using to watch Netflix here wireless by any chance? If so - have you tried moving it to a wired connection to see if there's any improvement in performance?

This is a situation where having PingPlotter Standard instead of the Freeware version would come in especially handy. Based off of the information you've sent over, it's still pretty tough to get a good look at what may be causing the issue here. PingPlotter Standard does come with a 30 day evaluation at no cost (http://www.pingplotter.com/download.html)- so you could take advantage of this to continue troubleshooting your problem.

If you do decide to utilize the free evaluation of PingPlotter Standard - try and do some more long-term monitoring (let PingPlotter run continuously while you're using Netflix), and then send us over the .PP2 file so we can take a look at things from there. For more details on what info helps us the most in trying to assist on these kinds of issues - have a look here:


Hopefully this helps get things headed in the right direction. If you have any questions, please let us know!
