Thanks a ton for the info Pete. I know I had a lot. frown

I've been doing other tracerts and downloads etc, to dig deeper. I too felt that the problem may still be at my end. I started second guessing myself. I always kept in mind to work from the last hop through to the second though. It really does look like hop 11-13 is the problem.

Finding other users won't be easy, not public info.

I'm on a WIFI (rural) 3.5 GHz system.

The pattern I found really puzzles me. There is absolutely no change at my end computer wise and the packet loss on the 11-13 link goes down to 0% - 10% from 2 - 9 AM! Everyday!

Well, I will keep working at this, I never give up.


Edited by acdcmike1 (02/07/12 08:33 AM)
I will prevail.