PingPlotter Standard does both UDP and TCP. It doesn't do "PCP", although I'm really not sure what PCP is in relationship to tracing. Since this was a phone call, maybe they said "TCP"?

Both UDP and TCP can be selected and configured in Edit -> Options, Packet. We have some more detailed instructions on configuring for TCP here:

You can configure the port for TCP - I'm not sure how port 40 is relevant, but maybe they can fill you in on this.

For more information on port use for the different protocols, see:

I think it's actually the returning packets that are causing problems, and all protocols use the same returning packets for intermediate hops (which is what you're having problems with) - ICMP TTL expired in transit type 8 sub-type 0. Unless the Actiontec bug is in the way it correlates outgoing packets with returning packets (which is possible), then I'm not sure that changing packet types will help.

At least they're talking to you - that's a good start! Please keep us apprised of the situation.

- Pete