What kind of connection do you have to the internet? Just by the latencies, I'm guessing it's DSL/Cable, but I'd like a confirmation on this.<br><br>Generally, if you're dealing with a router that has a problem with multiple outstanding ICMP echo requests, you want to set it so that you don't have more than one outstanding at any one time. This is difficult to do from a timing perspective - as you can have bad responses at any time that will cause more than one to be outstanding.<br><br>Here's a procedure you can apply that will guarantee you never have more than one outstanding request - although it severely impacts performance.<br><br>Close all instances of Ping Plotter. <br>Open up your PingPlotter.INI file in your editor of choice (this file is in the Ping Plotter directory). <br>Insert a new line in the "Advanced" section of the .INI file. This line should read "MaxThreadCount=1" (without the quotes). <br>Open Ping Plotter. In the "Advanced Options", change the "Time interval between hop traces" to 0. (This ups the performance somewhat, isn't necessary, but very helpful). <br>Review the "Timeout speed" setting. If you never expect a hop to take more then 1 second to respond, enter 1000 here. Try to set it to the lowest reasonable number. In your case, you probably want to use 3000 - since you have bad latencies sometimes.<br>Turn *ON* "Use non-threaded Name Lookups". <br><br>This should get you the maximum performance without causing multiples to be outstanding.<br><br>The symptoms you're seeing aren't what I normally see when a router bios is misconfigured, though. Usually, I see really, really bad numbers, changing routes, and incorrect data - rather than just longer latencies. Let me know what hardware you have under your control (ie: routers, DSL modems, cable modems, etc.), and I'll see if I have heard of any problems with this.<br><br>