Actually, I see signs of the same stuff in the TraceRT output (notice the first sample in hop 8 - it's 2513). The problem may be the same - just the TraceRT doesn't do it concurrently enough to capture a good picture of the problem. Do you get wildly swinging latencies in Ping Plotter also (where you'll sometimes see 200 ms latency on a hop, and the next samples see 2500)?<br><br>It is possible that the router at hop 3 has a problem with multiple outstanding ICMP requests. TraceRT only does one sample at a time, while Ping Plotter sends out up to 35 or so simultaneously. There are multiple possible reasons for this, here are a few:<br><br>* It's possible that your packet size is set to something that saturates your connection pretty quickly. I've seen this happen on nominal bandwidth connections where the packet size was large. Check in Advanced Options, Packet Options, Packet size and make sure this is something smaller than 100 (preferably between 10 and 56). <br><br>* A router in your system may not behave well when there are multiple outstanding ICMP requests. Testing this isn't too terribly difficult. First off, go to the "Advanced Options", "Packet Options" tab. From here, change the "Time interval between hop traces" to something in excess of your maximum expected latency (in the case of what you sent me, I'd use 400 or so). This slows down the rate at which samples are sent out. Now, change the "Trace Interval" in the main screen to something at least 20 seconds (this gives all 35 hops sent out time to complete before the next sample set it collected). Run your trace and see what happens. If your packet size (see previous point) is set to a reasonable number (10-56), then you should see the same results that TraceRT exhibits. Usually, a software update on your router can fix this problem.<br><br>The wild swings in latency seen at hop 3 (and beyond) even in TraceRT are quite odd. Keep in mind that Ping Plotter sends out all hops at once, where TraceRT does them much more serially (and much slower). Problem situations are pointed out much more quickly with Ping Plotter.<br><br>Please post back here what you figure out - or if you have comments on this analsys. A picture would be great as well - or send me a save file (data) and I'll do a bit more analysis on it.<br><br>