Hi.<br><br>It is holding it in memory. The current version has no methods of trimming the oldest data (ie: looping it), or spooling it to disk.<br><br>As a note, each "sample" takes 4 bytes, plus 2 bytes for each hop. This means a 10 hop trace takes 24 bytes, so a 10,000 sample set takes about a quarter of a meg of ram. Depending on how much RAM your machine has, a month's worth could take quite a bit.<br><br>Version 2.2 will allow you to auto-save the data (having a different file per day, for example), and also limit the number of samples in RAM, so you could specify not to exceed 10K samples and it would throw away the oldest data.<br><br>Let me know if you have other suggestions.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>