Hello! I'm experiencing intense amounts of packet loss while connected to my router via LAN cable. I am experiencing upload issues when having video calls and streaming, and believe the packet loss is the cause.

I've contacted my ISP and they've informed me that their lines are fine, and I'm inclined to believe them. I've also swapped out the LAN cables (to computer, as well as to modem), reset the router, the whole nine yard.

My examples were all taken the same day, but I've been seeing these results for a few days. The upload issues have lasted for more than 2 weeks.

Router: Asus RT-AC68U
Modem: Hitron Coda-45

03052022_google.com.png (43 downloads)
03052022_google.com.pp2 (149 downloads)
03052022_pingplotter.com.png (36 downloads)
03052022_pingplotter.com.pp2 (163 downloads)
03052022_twitter.com.png (34 downloads)

Edited by Gekko (03/05/22 04:15 AM)