Hey JonU,

Thanks for reaching out!

Due to the nature of a screenshot, it is difficult to say exactly where your packet loss is occurring. In the screenshot, it looks like this could be starting outside your home network as hop #1 (your router) appears to have low latency with no packet loss.

That said I suggest checking out the following articles we have on interpreting PingPlotter results:

Common Network Problems
Interpreting PingPlotter Results
Interpreting Latency and Packet Loss
One Poorly Responding Router

Along with that if you have questions about your results after looking through the articles above, collect at least 24 hours of data, and feel free to share it with us in an email (to Support@pingman.com) by:

Sending over a SampleSet(pp2) file (File -> Export Sample Set -> All Data) or,
Creating a Share page (File -> Share -> Create Share Page) and copy/paste the URL link in your reply.

If this leaves you with any questions let me know!
