Hy Pyrosk,

Thanks for reaching out!

This sounds like quite the issue! I personally play a lot of League of Legends and Valorant so I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to constantly experience connection issues when trying to game online.

I looked over the PingPlotter data that you shared with us (You were quite thorough with your testing, good job!)and I think it is safe to say that this issue is not rooted within your home network (PC, router, etc). With that said it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where this may be originating, especially since you mention that you experience lag even when PingPlotter and your game are showing good results.

A few things that I did notice as potential issues in your trace data included, packet loss at the ISP, packet loss at the destination (final hop), and some weird routing that seemed a bit long.

I think a good place to start would be reaching out to your ISP about this issue. We have an article dedicated to building a compelling case to bring to your ISP which I would highly recommend checking out prior to contacting your ISP.

Building A Case

Before reaching out to your ISP it is also important to note that while you collected a lot of data that could be helpful including all of this could be overwhelming to someone who hasn't looked at PingPlotter results before. I suggest combing back through your results and grabbing screenshots to share with them to lessen any distractions from resolving your issue.

I have attached an example of a screenshot from your data that may be helpful to your ISP (Packet loss on the last 4 hops of your trace)

If you have any questions about this let me know!

Best of luck,

Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 4.51.58 PM.png (56 downloads)