Hello there,

Thanks for writing in! I'm happy to help out with your results here.

I appreciate all this data - right off the bat, it looks like your router/gateway/firewall is in the clear.

However, the PP2 file for Google is only 60 seconds (when you export data, you'll need to change the Focus period to adjust the amount of data), so it's a little difficult to say where the problem is really starting.

I'd recommend opening Timeline Graphs for hops #2 through #4 to see where the latency and/or packet loss is starting(don't worry about the packet loss at hop #1, it's dropping ICMP TTL Expired packets, which doesn't affect your connection). You're looking for a pattern of latency and/or packet loss similar to that found at www.google.com.

I hope that helps a bit! Feel free to upload another sample as well and I can take a look; let me know if this leaves you with any questions as well.