Hey guys,

Looking for some guidance with a network issue i have been experiencing for the past month or so. Please see my trace attached.

After troubleshooting for a few hours i am almost certain the issue is somehow related to my router (TP Link Archer C7 v2) as bypassing it and going direct from my modem into my PC resolves packet loss, as well as intermittent dropouts. I've done all the basic troubleshooting on my router to try and solve my drop outs (factory reset, swap all cabling, etc) I also used Command Prompt to ping google alongside pingplotter (ping google.com -n 25) and i am not seeing any packet loss there. And if i understand pingplotter correctly, i should only be concerned about the final hop, and it seems to be OK. What do you think is causing the constant cycling of packet loss? I seem to have a hardware issue by the looks of it.

Thanks for the assistance!!

google.com.png (183 downloads)