
I've been montitoring our internet on our company since we been having trouble with iternet going down from time to time.

Pingplotter have been running on a laptop that is connected with TP-cable. After some weeks the laptop got restarted due to some windows update and when starting pingplotter after this i got a message that said there was a bug, and pingplotter could not launch, and i could try and repair it or update to a newer version.

I tryed to repair it but it did not work. So i had to install a new version of pingplotter. It seems that all data that have been logged untill that point, have been lost.

Is there any way to get a hold of that data or is it gone forever ?

If it is possible to find the loss data, where can i find it and how to recreate it?

Let me know if you need any information to help me out with this problem.

Sorry for the bad English.

/Frustrated swede