Hey Zerg,

Was this trace taken during a time that you were experiencing issues playing your game? These results don't *seem* to point to any specific problems (an average latency of 90ms with 0.2% packet loss is pretty decent, overall). This doesn't mean that you're not experiencing issues, though - it just means that a bit more work may be required to capture them.

Your best bet here is to keep PingPlotter running continuously, tracing to this game server (24/7, if possible). When you're playing your game, and run into problems, make sure and capture those instances in PingPlotter (per some of the instructions in my previous messages). This will allow you to correlate any patterns in your results to any times that you were experiencing issues - which will help in narrowing down what your issue may be. From there, you can start isolating and eliminating variables in your network to try and narrow things down a bit further.

If you have any other questions - please let us know!

Best wishes,
