Hey Roy,

Thanks for writing in.

You *can* set PingPlotter up to not graph packet loss (via the option in "Edit" -> "Options" -> "Display" -> "Don't graph packet loss"); however - if your target is reporting 100% packet loss, you *probably* won't have much (if any) latency information viewable in the graph for it.

If your target isn't receptive to the standard ICMP requests that PingPlotter sends out, you may want to try changing up your packet type to see if that has any effect on your results. We cover how to change up packet types in a bit more detail here:


We did a bit of testing here in our office, and it looks like the target you're tracing to ("mailgate.trisysglobal.com") may be a be more responsive to TCP packets.

Hopefully this helps out. If you have any other questions - please let us know!

Best wishes,
