Hey skinkmacka,

Thanks for writing in to the forums - I'd be more than happy to help out with this.

After taking a look at your screenshot (thanks for that by the way!), it is very apparent that the issue can be narrowed down to *most likely* the device at hop 2 (

You can see that the packet loss starts at this hop, and carries through to the final target.

Quick question for you - is your time capsule device that second hop? This *may* explain the packet loss every 5 minutes, as time capsules don't necessarily have some of the built in capabilities necessary to handle lots of data effectively (like PingPlotter is throwing at - or even your online games). In other words, it is a networked external hard drive, that can also be used as a router - but it isn't a router.

You can quickly troubleshoot this to see if it is your Apple Time Capsule, by connecting your computer straight to your modem (and momentarily remove your Time Capsule), and then play your games and run a trace again in PingPlotter to see if you no longer experience these loss of connections.

If you still see the same results, the Time Capsule is most likely not the device at hop 2, and you should troubleshoot that device.

But if our suspicions are correct, and the issue stops, you know it was the Time Capsule. You can then put a true router in the time capsules place, and then connect the time capsule to the router via ethernet to keep it on your network (it just won't be routing anymore).

Hopefully this helps out! If you should find yourself with any other questions, or needing any other assistance - please don't hesitate to email us at any time at support@pingplotter.com. 

