thanks for the reply. i will send you the file.

i am just so frustrated because it has been ruled out that my home networking is excellent, the signal i get from my isp is excellent but it wasn't until cox started to offer their premier 9/1 service that i started to have issues. friends of mine that are on cox but don't go through the ip don't have the issues i am having when gaming, and all of our machines are equal, mine being a opteron 144 @ 2.5GHz(and also tried it at stock speed) that is prime95 stable for 12hrs or more, x800xtpe gpu, 1GB ram (i keep my graphics settings so they do not exceed 1GB) and have used onboard nics along with my trusty 3com 905b nics, and also 15k and 10k u320 scsi hdds.

on my home lan there is no issue when gaming, nor is there a problem when i game on a server that does not go through are far and few between), that is why i have thought it was the problem. i know the latest patch of bf2 created many issues and maybe it has to do with that, so i am installing bf1942 as i gamed it for years with no issues to test it out.

i have tried different mtu settings from 1300 to 1500 but with no difference...

and also, i could understand lag occassionally, just not 90%+ of the time i game.

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thanks in advance for your time and knowledge,