Ok, here is a new snapshot...this is my main comp connected direct to the modem, no router. Same issues. Is it safe to say that if the other comouter has the same problem that this is a problem between my house and the first hop?

I run Norton Antivirus on both of my systems so I don't think its anything like a virus or spyware.

The good thing here was to get rid of that additional empty router - Comcast is used to seeing a blank first hop, but probably not *two* blank first hops. All I can say for certain from this is that the problem is between your computer and hop 2.

If you've eliminated everything on your network as a problem (router, other computers), then it's likely the problem is between the exit from your network and hop 2 (ie: the cable modem, cable, or something inside the Comcast network).

The spikes you're seeking look a bit load-based, almost like your bandwidth is being saturated. This isn't for certain, by a long stretch, but the pattern is a bit similar to this. If this is the case, it could be coming from inside your house (ie: your network), outside the network (ie - some other computer or network someplace using a bunch of bandwidth) or maybe even someone else on your local Cable segment.

In any case, it's probably about time to get a cable technician to come look at the problem. They may be able to get right to the root of the problem.

- Pete