Hi,<br><br>Tried to replicate the problem with auto save, but I wasn't able to have the same problems as I had on friday, and filename length doesn't seem to be a problem.<br><br>But I came up with a few issues.<br><br>Setting the save time to less than a minute is not very usefull, it will overwrite the previous save... not a major problem.<br><br>Setting the filename to $host\$date.$hour.$minute works great, this saves all data for the pinged host in a directory of it's own. But no save will happen if the directory does not exist, that's not a problem for me, because the number of host's that I want to keep track of is quite stable.<br><br>The last item on this topic, the auto save does save the entire sample set, and I have the number of packets to keep in memory set to 5000, one ping every 5 second, and autosave set to 30 minutes, so this gives me a lot of overlaps, so I would prefer the autosave to save only the data in the autosave period.<br><br>So instead of saving all 5000 packets on every save, it would only save the 360 collected during the half hour interval.<br><br>Kim<br><br>