Hi, Scott.

Thanks for the report.

Is there any chance that the time changed on this computer during this event? It doesn't sound like that happened, but we've seen a similar issue at one case in the past where the time changed mid-collection.

Do you have a file called "MP_errors.log" in your MultiPing install directory? This is where "silent" errors go to die (in case there was an error that caused it). How about a "MultiPing.rip" file? This is where a bit more visible errors go to die, and this also gives us some additional troubleshooting information. If these files exist, have a look at the contents to see if there are any events near the time you saw these problems occure.

Now, for the next (inevitable) question: Is there any chance you can reproduce this situation in another instance of MultiPing?

As you describe the problem, I'm not sure if the new data that was being collected was all being shown as packet loss also, or if it was just the history before the problem that was shown as packet loss. Did you have a chance to change the graph scale or scroll back in time to see if all the history was shown as packet loss, or just a short period?

If you do see this problem again, I suspect that it won't be limited to just the floating graph - but would also be visible in a time graph docked to the main window (which is turned on by double-clicking a target).

Before I go elaborating any more, I'll wait to see if there are any hits on a possible time change in your computer's clock, with any of the error logs, or with any reproducibility.

- Pete