Hi, Maghnus.

Based on your problem description, I can't see if you're saying that PingPlotter is working and TraceRT is not, or if PingPlotter and TraceRT both don't work, so you're not blaming PingPlotter.

In some cases, we find that ISPs start blocking ICMP echo requests. If that happens, there's no configuration or rollback you can do to get things working, as your ISP itself completely blocks some portion of the packets we rely on to do a traceroute.

I'm not familiar with the major dependencies of TraceRT, so I used the great TaskInfo 2003 tool. It listed the following dependencies when TraceRT was running under my WinXP box:

tracert.exe    TCP/IP Traceroute Command
ntdll.dll      NT Layer DLL
kernel32.dll   Windows NT BASE API Client DLL
msvcrt.dll     Windows NT CRT DLL
icmp.dll       ICMP DLL
iphlpapi.dll   IP Helper API
ADVAPI32.dll   Advanced Windows 32 Base API
RPCRT4.dll     Remote Procedure Call Runtime
USER32.dll     Windows XP USER API Client DLL
GDI32.dll      GDI Client DLL
WS2_32.dll     Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL
WS2HELP.dll    Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT
LPK.DLL        Language Pack
USP10.dll      Uniscribe Unicode script processor
mswsock.dll    Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider
DNSAPI.dll     DNS Client API DLL
winrnr.dll     LDAP RnR Provider DLL
WLDAP32.dll    Win32 LDAP API DLL
rasadhlp.dll   Remote Access AutoDial Helper
wshtcpip.dll   Windows Sockets Helper DLL

Lots of DLLs there - you might want to grab TaskInfo 2003 and see which DLL's your version of TraceRT is using. Again, I suggest looking to your ISP first, though.

TraceRT doesn't support UDP packets at all - only ICMP packets.

If you have 2 computers there, you might try running tracert to the other computer's IP address. If this shows some result, then you know your computer is working OK. Also, checking if TraceRT works on the other computer is a good verifier of where the problem is.

I'm not sure if PingPlotter is working or not here, so I talked mostly about TraceRT. If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know.

- Pete