Hello Everyone,

Desperate need of help. I purchased a monthly subscription to ping plotter pro because of a packet loss issue I am having.

When I start my ping test to google on hop 1 I am get near 100% packet loss and on hop 2 anywhere from 20 - 60 % packet loss. Hop 3 and down if fine just the first 2 hops. Very weird.

I have tested multiple routers and connected directly to cable modem and I am still getting packet loss.

Things I have tried.
1) New cables
2) Different routers
3) Direct connect to modem and swapped the modem out to new one from cable provider. The modem is a Arris cm8200 (plane)

Just can not figure it out.

Has anyone had this problem before?

Thanks Andy

The second file attachment was set to 60 seconds vs the first one that was set to default timing.

Packet Loss

www.google.com 2020-27-9 11-18-15.pp2 (474 downloads)
www.google.com 2020-27-9 12-23-55.pp2 (380 downloads)

Edited by Snoop832 (09/27/20 08:26 AM)