Hello everyone,

I've been having packet loss which causes rubberbanding in-game.

I am using a PC, which is connected to a router through cable.
When I use my phone/laptop and connect to the said router using WiFi, I do not experience any packet loss.

Referring to Instance 1 (https://imgur.com/a/XxBeE7S), I experienced packet loss at my first hop. I believed this was a problem with the cable connecting to my router.

I then connected one of the cables which connects my router to the modem directly to the PC. At first, it solved the problem, but then I experienced the packet loss again (refer to Instance 2: https://imgur.com/a/XxBeE7S).

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

EDIT: During the period which the above tests were conducted, I conducted the same test on the family PC which is connected directly to the modem and no packet loss was found.

EDIT 2: Update, while my PC is connected to the cable which connects my router to the modem (similarly to Instance #2), I experienced packet loss from Hop 1 again: https://imgur.com/a/L7vCelq

Edited by Eric Lange (04/14/20 05:38 AM)