You can set up a "workspace" with destinations and graphs set up like you want. You can then easily switch between these, but not without closing the existing workspace. Of course you can always run Multiple instances of MultiPing - each with its own workspace. We don't have any *short-term* plans to allow loading of different workspaces in the same instance.

MultiPing as a service isn't in the short-term high priority list right now. Since MultiPing has a user interface and no method to save data, the only time it would be valuable is when you're logged in and able to see what its doing. While being able to collect data without having to be logged in is handy, it's not a huge-value item for the initial audience we have targetted for MultiPing. You can probably use something like FireDaemon to start MultiPing on boot, but we've not tried it here, and don't officially "support" it yet.

We do have some plans for the future, but they are too distant to share. Right now, we're focusing on getting MultiPing complete and released, and you probably won't see a whole bunch of differences between the current beta and the 1.0 release version. Once 1.0 is out, we're definitely interested in what users need, and will be taking our products in new directions.