Well I'm supposed to have a fast connection, and when it's working properly it's very fast. I have recorded download speeds of >2.5Mb sustained.

The ISP had lightning problems about a month ago, had to replace equipment, and since the problems started the downloads speeds have dropped and are intermittently BELOW dialup. At best all I get now is around 1Mb.

The system we have is the enitire community is wired as a 10MB LAN that carrries data and analog TV. Our individual access is through an interface provided by the ISP that supposedly just keeps the TV stuff out of out PCs. It's not a modem.

Where I'm seeing the intermittent increase in latency is between the ISP's last machine and the first Sprint machine. There are two machines between me and Sprint. The latency between me and the ISP's two machines never increases above 3 or 4ms. I'm starting a 48 hour plot at a 2.5s interval and will post the results for you to see.

The periods of high latency have no pattern to them, they can and do happen at any time of day. May last a few minutes or a few hours.

BTW. Reviewing posts here on your forum where plots have been posted I cannot see the picture. In IE I get a picture place holder symbol and in Mozilla I see nothing at all. Any suggestions.

Thanks you very much.....