There are a couple ways to acheive results similar to what you are asking for.

1) Export to text file - this is an option on the file menu that will create a CSV - although it does so only for the entire route, not the final destination only.

2) Set up an alert that logs to file. If you set up an alert that always fires, then this will write to the file each time a sample set comes in. Again, this only does the entire route.

The 2.40 beta 1 that is currently available to registered users has additional options on the log to file alert, including the ability to log data for the destination (or intermediate hop). In addition, you can now specify the filename (and directory) to log to - rather than only logging to the Ping Plotter directory with a filename matching the host name.

Hopefully, one of these options will satisfy your requirements. Feel free to post back if not.

- Pete