I've known about this for a while but never really thought of posting about it until now.

I use WindowBlinds ("skinning" for Windows UI) off and on and noticed that the main Ping Plotter window has a hidden (but partially working!) context help system.

When using a WindowBlinds skin, the Ping Plotter window "grows" a "?" button on it's title bar. It's the same type of button you see in the title bar of the "Advanced Options" window.

What's even more odd is that if you click the "?" in the main PP window, then click certain parts of the window (the "Address to Trace" box for example), it pops up a very informative help box describing that part of the window. The data seems to be coming right from PP's help file. Not all parts of the window respond to this, though.

I wonder why this is hidden? Was it a project that never got finished and was left in the code but tucked away until completion?

If it were more complete, working with the rest of the items in the PP window, it would be a great tool for new users to quickly get familiar with the PP interface.
