Now, here is the nitty gritty.

I have no IP or DNS name displayed on hop 7. Overall, the the ping to each hop is pitiful. Starting at an average of 109 at hop 1 and climbing to an average of 299 at hop 15 with some 330's throw in around 9 and 10.

Now, up until recently, my ping while playing on the server was right around 100ms. (You can check ingame.) However, during the last few days it has risen to over 500 on occasion and is sitting around 300. Obviously this is unplayable, so I've spent hours tonight looking at ways to figure out what the problem is.

I stumbled upon this program and found that the 7th hop is reporting 100% Packet Loss. This is obviously a bad thing. However, just knowing that I'm getting 100% PL doesn't do much when I don't know the DNS or IP of this hop.

Someone please say they can help me.

I don't know if this is useful, but these are the IP's and DNS names of hops 6 and 8.


(I capitalized the L's because of the font, they looked like one's.)

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Pete Ness (10/14/02 08:42 PM)