Pete, since the topic came up, this has been true in Windows 2000 also - especially behind an NAT router with a dynamic IP. But all this might be why you haven't seen it...<br><br>The IP changes, along with the gateway address (1st hop after router).<br><br>The various gateway addresses that are possible have been entered to "Show this Timeline Graph". This is important.<br><br>Navigating the routing changes by double-clicking in a void area produced by the changing gateway first produces "Access violation at address 00488EBF in module 'PingPlotter.exe'. Write of address 0000033C." This error seems benign but the time line for earlier gateways is now skewed on the time graph.<br><br>I run PingPlotter as a Win2K service but already know this error happens when PP2 files are examined by any instance. I don't have any PP2 examples handy when NOT run as a service - but suspect this doesn't matter.<br><br>But if you feel ambitious the Systray thing when run as a service would be great! :-) I think starting up on a boot and PingPlotter not yet having a Systray makes it disappear forever when minimized.<br><br>I can send you an example PP2 file - it's not that big so need not even zip it.<br><br>