Hi Pete -<br><br>Hey, thanks so much for your reply to my post! I'm kinda in over my head on this network stuff smile What I noticed about Ping Plotter's results was that there weren't any particular points along the line that were consistently<br>slow... there were packet losses and slow responses from just about every point at various times. Further, I just ran the program again (it's after midnight here now) and things improved substantially.<br><br>There are only two ISP's with local dialups out here in the boonies of Southern Arizona where I live... and they both suck. They are small, independent firms and I have heard that small ISP's don't get the good routes that the "big guys" do. Or maybe they simply know that we don't have<br>much choice :)<br><br>I have been looking into the two-way satellite services available from Echostar and DirectPC (I don't think the "download-only" satellite systems would help me much). But the equipment is very expensive at this point. I'm<br>hoping the cost will come down in the not too distant future.<br><br>And by the way... I have utilized the "808hi.com" site frequently. Great resource. That's where I found the link to your program.<br><br>Thanks again for your info!<br><br><br><br>