Hi.<br><br>The symptoms you're seeing seem very much related to your ISP - which I can't really help you with much. Maybe you've already done this, but you might get some good answers to this by heading over to DSLReports (www.dslreports.com) and posting a message on their forums - you're very likely to run into others having similar experiences there.<br><br>I have DSL personally (Qwest), and my connection to their router is influenced only by my bandwidth usage (which is quite different than how it was when I was using Roadrunner cable - where time of day was a huge factor in performance and packet loss). I get 15ms to 20ms avg. latency to their first router pretty much any time of day - until I get close to my subscribed data rate (960K down, 768K up). Once i hit about 75% of this bandwidth, I start to see latency go up.<br><br>I use a Cisco 675 DSL router. When I first got this router, it had CBOS 2.2 on it - and at that time, load would induce HUGE latency and packet loss problems up to (but not including) the final destination - where it performance would be very good. Updating to CBOS 2.4 solved this problem completely. If you're only seeing your symptoms at hop 1 (and not passed on further), then I'd almost certainly blame the latency and packet loss oddities on your hardware.<br><br>Sorry I can't help you much about *your* DSL provider. To be honest, my connection has been so good lately that I do consistent monitoring only because I wrote Ping Plotter - not because I need to (knock on wood!).<br><br><br>