Hi,<br>This happened again today.<br>I followed the instructions at the end of the FAQ, and that didn't seem to make a difference.<br>However, the problem did seem to go away after bit by itself.<br>I don't think there is anything we can do about this. I have a 3COM 3C510 Home Ethernet Gateway connected to my DSL modem. The problem probably occurs at the next hop, the CLEC I guess. Maybe someone there is screwing around, or it has a high load -- who knows.<br>Here is something else I noticed: a router went down somewhere around hop 15 of about 23 hops to my destination. I noticed about 20 minutes later. Maybe since a router down route was down, ping plotter was swamping it with requests that were not coming back and a router in between got sick of that? Then I stopped it and fooled around with settings, and a little while later it was clear??<br>I don't much about it - do you think that's plausible?<br>Luther<br><br><br>