Hi Termanator1128,

Thanks for reaching out! And attaching your data. Makes this conversation a whole lot easier.

After reviewing data, it seems like everything is in tip-top shape. You've got an average latency of about 60ms at the final destination which is pretty decent considering this is an individual's server. I'm not seeing the 10%+ packet loss you mention though. Only 10 minutes of data came over in your .pp2 file...maybe it was at a different time?

There is about 75% packet loss at hop 11, but this is not carried through to the final destination so we don't need to worry about that. You can read more about why in this article: https://www.pingman.com/kb/article/one-poorly-responding-router-5.html

Feel free to post more .pp2 files or even screenshots if you'd like some more input!