I have briefly searched through the forum, but I didn't find any topics related to disabling the reverse DNS lookup performed by the tool. Please note I am not asking about the Dynamic DNS feature which tracks IP address changes of targets tracked through FQDN. What I am wondering about is, whether it's possible to disable reverse DNS lookup for all the hops and the target. That way they all appear as IP addresses instead of being resolved into mumbo jumbo names used by ISPs to recognise their international gateways and nodes.

If the answer is no, is it possible add the ability to disable the reverse DNS lookup in future releases? A simple tickbox in the options to say "disable reverse DNS lookup" would do the trick.

Edit: I will also drop an email to support@pingman.com as I have a valid license and just realised these forum accounts are probably not "linked" to actively paying customers.

Thank you.

Edited by nexusops (09/30/22 06:17 AM)