Hi GreenTree,

Thanks for posting to the forum!

After taking a look at the 2 PP2 files that you attached (thanks for those!) it seems pretty clear that there is either an issue between hop #1 and #2 or an issue starting at hop #2 ( I would ask your ISP to come out and check the line from the street to your building and to also check that device ( for issues.

When you call in I would mention PingPlotter and offer to show them these results. If they don't have any good answers or just tell you to run a SpeedTest then I would ask to be escalated until you can talk to someone knows what you're talking about. You can even ask them to download PingPlotter for free and to load up the pp2 files so they can see all the packet loss starting at hop #2 for themselves.

Be polite but don't take no for an answer, be the squeaky wheel!

Good luck and let us know how it goes.
