Hi MrD,

Thanks for posting to the forum!

Paths like are part of the HTTP/Application layer. PingPlotter operates at the IP layer, which is lower level than HTTP and only accepts hostnames, not URLs. This means that it's not possible to trace to a target like that using PingPlotter. You could use something like a sub-domain "TestingSubdomain.mywebsite.com" for your testing purposes. Keep in mind thopugh that Ping just sends ICMP packets it does not tell you if something like Apache is running and serving up content. If you want to know if a testing site is running you would need to send it something like a GET request which is a different tool than PingPlotter.

Let me know if there is anything else PingPlotter related I can help with!



Edited by Poe (08/24/21 03:57 PM)