Hi Cade,

Thanks for reaching out!

I looked at that video you linked along with your forum post. Based on the data you gathered in the video I do not see anything that indicates a connection problem. I see that Nate mentioned giving you a month of Sidekick for free, did you get a chance to run Sidekick to help pinpoint your problems? Sidekick takes a lot of the work out of troubleshooting by automatically targeting different points to give you a clear picture of if and where network problems are for you.

To help find your problems easier it would help if you ran traces to your targets for 24 hours so you can watch how your network responds over a period of time. If you do run more tests feel free to export the data from PingPlotter as a PP2 file and attach it in an email to me and I can help interpret your results.

To export data as a PP2 file from PingPlotter go to _file_ > _export sample set_ > _all data_.

Here are a couple of links on Interpreting PingPlotter Results and Interpreting Latency/Packet Loss .

If you need anything else or have any questions let me know!
