Currently tracing ~ 300 targets with auto-save enabled and 1 second interval, and found some differences between engine options, using an i7-2700 4core/8threads cpu with SSD and Windows 10:

- ICMP.dll option is limited badly, I max at most 13-15% cpu usage and instead of getting close to 3600 samples per hour I only get ~ 1500-1600. It's slow like hell. Adjusting packet send delay doesn't work, stuck in 'Auto'.
- raw ICMP option is fast, I get 50% cpu usage on average, 3500+ samples per hour on all targets, also stuck with packet send delay in 'auto'. But it has a design flaw. Routes changes don't update in realtime and most of times the full trace is a mess which doesn't match reality (mixes old routes with new ones), it gets fixed by restarting PingPlotter or resetting targets.
- UDP mode (mtr style engine) is nowhere near MTR accuracy, 70% of all internet target have 100% loss on destination (only the destination), while the intermediary hops behave normally. Is there any way to get MTR behaviour implemented with Pingplotter so we can have a reliable and fast way to use Pingplotter? Does this mode need a special build of winpcap/npcap to behave normally?

Also, a maintenance option which restarts pingplotter is needed, after 1 day of running the process goes from ~500MB RAM usage to 2GB+, it's a serious bummer, sometimes my machine with 8GB of ram goes into serious swapfile usage when pingplotter eats 6GB+ of RAM.

May I ask, is there any software engineer that runs the latest build using hundred of targets and test for reliability and the spiking memory leaks?
All of the 3 traceroute engine options has it's own design flaw which needs to be addresed, some machines have 16cores on a desktop CPU and can't make use of proper resource utilization and reliability on Windows PCs.

Edited by angelclaw (04/27/20 02:58 PM)