More whois servers can be added by adding an additional line to the PingPlotter.ini file.<br><br>The following lines are the internally declared whois servers (there are not defined in an INI file, but manually added by the system - the following line is for example purposes only).<br><br>[Internet]<br>AddlWhoIsServers=Internic Whois Lookup,, name, Arin (IP) Whois Lookup,, ip<br><br>Basically, each WhoIs server is defined by 3 settings - Description (as it appears on the menu), Server address (IP or name), and lookup type (Name or IP). The last setting specifies if it queries the whois server for the IP address or the name of the specific hop.<br><br>If you're adding a server that's not specified in Ping Plotter by default, add that server as the first server on the AddlWhoIsServers line (ie: don't include the 2 servers in the example above - as they're always included - no matter what you put in the INI file). If you have more than 1, just add 3 more comma'd sections (there is no limit to the number of sections you can include - although more than a few will make the menu a bit unwieldy).<br><br>2.21 beta 3 or higher is needed to use this INI setting.<br><br>Let me know how it works for you.<br><br>