Hi Jared,

I'm sorry for the delayed response! Thanks for submitting more data to us.

The IP of for hop #2 in your route does indeed have strong evidence to suggest an issue. It appears that the device at this point is contributing to some latency spikes and most (if not all) of the packet loss you're frequently experiencing.

As Poe and Hayla suggested earlier, the best thing you can do is make a great case to your ISP - showing the evidence, correlation, and impact the problem has. In addition, I'd also recommend pushing to speak to a supervisor for most of the conversations. If you continue to be a "squeaky wheel" to your ISP, chances are they'll invest more time and effort into fixing your problem.

Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!

All the best,

Austin Berner
Software Support Technician | Pingman Tools
support@pingman.com | (208) 345-0030