Hey there Vilhelmas,

Thanks for reaching out!

It's always concerning when you see that big red bar of packet loss - but don't worry, your connection looks just fine! Taking a quick look at this screenshot, there doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary that could be causing issues here; and if there isn't any packet loss at the destination (hop 16 - Google.com), or concerning levels of latency, that's all that matters!

If you'll notice in the image, the red packet loss from hop 1 doesn't carry through to the destination. This means that your modem/router probably has a low priority for timed out ICMP requests (ICMP requests where the TTL equals 0 after reaching them). This doesn't translate into any adverse effects at the destination, it just looks bad on the graph.

If you're interested, more details about how to interpret PingPlotter can be found here:

I hope that helps - please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns!

All the best,