Hey Thomas,

Congrats on the new rig! How fun. I'm about due for one myself, but bought a One X instead (gotta have that 4k).

So to me it sounds like there's some packet loss on hop 1 - but is that packet loss present on the hops following? Reason being - it's really common for routers to discard the packets that we send directly at them, but forward the packets that are destined down the route. This doesn't impact your final results at all as the packets are still being passed - the router just thinks it has something better to do than to respond directly to your packets.

When you're reading your PingPlotter data, you kind of want to take a backwards approach, bottom to top. Start at the final hop. Does the final hop look good? If so, you're in the clear. If not, though, you'll want to start looking at the hops prior to see which one started throwing the latency or packet loss.

We have a really good guide on how to read this data here if you're interested:

And, if you want to know what to benchmark against, check out this article we wrote:

Lastly, if you are still having issues and would like us to take a look at your data, we're happy to give you some guidance and let you know what our "gut feel" is.

Cheers - and have fun on the new rig!