
When tracing 325 destinations, my i7-2700 CPU is 25% used, Pingplotter seems not to scale well, HDD usage is only 20-30%, I think it's related to Pingplotter not using more than 1 core.
How can I enhance the performance of the app? If I set the targets to an 1 second interval, the actual tracing happens every 5-10 seconds, which is kinda slow for my requirements.

This wasn't the case when I tested Pingplotter v4, so I guess all the saving to disk overhead eats too many CPU cycles, maybe make the code compatible with multiple threads?

I'm debating if purchasing an SSD will help, because W10 task manager doesn't show PingPlotter eating all HDD resources, only the ~25'ish CPU usage makes me think it's some code limitation.

And another one:

Is there any command line parameter to start different pingplotter processes using different configuration folders? This might help load balancing the CPU workload, making the app faster with 2 or more processes open.

Edited by angelclaw (03/04/19 08:35 AM)