Hmmm. Very interesting...<br><br>Is it possible you have two installs of Ping Plotter? Try doing a search for "Pingplotter.ini" and make sure you only have one of those files. Make sure your shortcut is pointing to the directory that's working when you manually run it.<br><br>It sounds like Ping Plotter is trying to start minimized. Because of a bug in some versions before the most recent beta, if you have the tray icon enabled and it started minimized, then it sometimes wouldn't start right - and instead just showed up as a title bar and nothing more. There are two ways this can happen - one is if your shortcut tells it to start minimized, the other is if the ini file is telling it to start minimized. Check your shortcut - and if that's not the problem, make sure you only have a single PingPlotter.ini (by default, Ping Plotter uses the .ini file that's in the same directory as the exectutable).<br><br>