I've been having intermittent lag spikes and trying to see if its maybe my equipment or my ISP. I recently changed both my wireless route and modem.

The first pingplot I ran was with the wireless router connected. The 2nd was without it connected (modem directly to my PC). The 3rd was again without modem but rolled back a driver on network adaptor. On first 2 plots I see packet loss at the ip address which turns out to be the same packet loss at final destination. What I'm unsure about is with no router connected is the 1st hop my modem? Or is the 1st connection beyond my home network (thus an ISP problem)? Since I see the same issue with and without my router connected I'm ruling that out. I was thinking of just exchanging my modem as I still have time to do so, but if its ISP related I can save myself a trip to the store.

twitch Pingplotter_1(with router).png (192 downloads)
twitch Pingplotter_2 (no router).png (214 downloads)
twitch Pingplotter_3 (no router).png (161 downloads)