Hey William,

Thanks for using the forums today - and great question!

It sounds like what you need can be accomplished through a combination of Aliasing your IP Addresses, and editing the DNS names.

When you are entering an IP Address you wish to trace to, you can put a space and then an "alias" name for that IP Address. For instance, if you are adding which is your server, you can enter " my server name" and it will automatically add the trace, with "my server name" as the DNS name (so that it is more recognizable for you). You can see more about IP Address Aliasing here:


Now I know you're asking, "but what if I have already added the IP Address, but want to change the DNS name?". Well, you can do that by right clicking on any IP Address name (final target or any intermediate hop), and hovering your mouse pointer over the first option (which should be the existing DNS name) and then choosing "Edit DNS Name...". This will allow you to customize your IP Addresses with a name that will help you know what device (or load balancer) it is.

Hopefully this helps out! If you should find yourself with any other questions, or needing any other assistance - please don't hesitate to email us at anytime at support@pingplotter.com. 

