Hey Joel,

Thanks for writing in!

It's a bit tough to speculate on exactly what may be happening here without being able to view what you're seeing in PingPlotter. If possible, would you be able to send over a screenshot, or a support ticket directly from your PingPlotter instance (via "Help" -> "Email PingPlotter support") so that we can take a closer look at this?

That being said, we have seen/heard about some scenarios that *sound* fairly similar to what you're describing here. In those cases, a device at a certain point in a route (in your case, at hop #2) would be "spoofing" it's IP address to match something earlier in the route. It's tough to tell exactly why this happens, though - it could be a bug in that device, or whoever owns that device may have it set up to deliberately do this for some reason.

If you have any questions, or if there's anything else we can try to help out with - don't hesitate to let us know!

Best wishes,
