Hey brackejocke,

Thanks for writing in! Sorry to hear about your internet trouble.

It's tough to speculate on exactly what may be happening with the small amount of data we have here. The results we can see in your screenshot do a *small* amount of packet loss - but it's hard to tell exactly what's happening with only being able to see 30 minutes worth of data for only the final hop.

The screenshot by itself doesn't definitively point to any sort of specific issue; but that doesn't mean that you're *not* experiencing issues, though. It just means that a bit of additional work may need to be done to capture them.

If you're experiencing lag with an online game you're playing, your best bet is to use PingPlotter to trace to the game server you're using (which it looks like you're already doing here - good work!). From there, you can let the program run in the background (continuously) while you're playing the game, and when you experience any issues - make a note of them in PingPlotter. You can then see if there are any "problem patterns" in your PingPlotter data that match up with the issues you've experienced in the game, and use that information to narrow down what your culprit may be.

If you haven't seen it yet, we've got a great guide that goes over some best practices and strategies for troubleshooting network issues such as this one using PingPlotter, which may prove helpful to your cause here:


Hopefully this helps get you headed in the right direction. If you'd like, feel free to send a .pp2 file of your results to us, and we'd be happy to look over them and offer any guidance we can from there!

Best wishes,
