Apologizes if this has been answered in another post but i haven't been able to find anything on it. I am having problem when running Ping Plotter Pro as a service, that the webpage will display an error:
on error resume next
set LTarget = PingPlotter.FindByID(UID)
on error goto 0
end if

if ((IsObject(LTarget) and (LTarget is Nothing)) or (not IsObject(LTarget))) then
---- Error:System Error. Code: 8.
Not enough storage is available to process this command, Row: 221, Col: 2----
if PingPlotter.TargetCount > 0 then
set LTarget = PingPlotter.Targets(0)

on error resume next
set LTarget = PingPlotter.FindByID(UID)
on error goto 0
end if

if ((IsObject(LTarget) and (LTarget is Nothing)) or (not IsObject(LTarget))) then
---- Error:System Error. Code: 8.
Not enough storage is available to process this command, Row: 221, Col: 2----
if PingPlotter.TargetCount > 0 then
set LTarget = PingPlotter.Targets(0)

I am trying to run 195 targets but even scaling down to half i get this error. Only when i am down to around 45 it works again. Resource wise the server is running around 40% so i do not understand why this error happens and how to get around it. Also it only happens when the service is running, not when i have the Ping Plotter Pro program open.

Previously it worked on Windows 2003 but after an upgrade it no longer works.

I am running it on Windows 2012 Server now

Hopefully someone can help me get it up and running again.

Best Regards