Hi Fooram,

Thanks for sending over this .pp2 file - we appreciate it!

It does indeed look like you've got some packet loss occurring at your final destination here - but, it *also* looks like you've got some loss occurring at earlier hops as well. There was an event at 10:40pm where it looks like there was loss across the board (did you by chance reset your router here?) - but past that, you've got some intermittent loss occurring on hops #3-12. You can see this in a bit more detail by opening up some timeline graphs for your earlier hops (you can either double click on a hop, or right click and select "Show this timeline graph").

Your goal at this point should be to eliminate any variables (that you have control of) to see if you can narrow down what may be causing this issue. Are you by chance on a wireless connection here? If so - try plugging your machine directly in to see if that has any effect on your results. Past that - monitoring this target continuously (24/7 for a few days) may prove helpful here as well. It *looks* like the packet loss that's occurring at your final destination lets up just a bit after 11pm - so it may be worth checking to see if this could be a time based problem (where "high traffic" hours could result in poor performance).

Our guide on how to troubleshoot and solve your network problem (http://www.pingplotter.com/netnirvana/) provides some good strategies for your situation here. It also includes a worksheet that you can fill out (which can be a *great* help if you have to reach out to a provider for assistance at any point).

Hopefully this helps get you headed in the right direction! If you have any other questions - please let us know.

Best wishes,
